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+song info+

here are some song meanings to some Space Twins songs. its that simple. (these were on the old -rwa- page.)

Osaka Aqua Bus: shows the influence the band's tour in japan had on brian. some of the lyrics deal with the large amounts of pollution brian encountered during weezer's stay in japan.

Vacation States: a song about how much brian hated going on road trips and how he wish the travel agent would book him a nice vacation

Here Comes the Sun: not a beatles cover, it's about flying through outer space

My Love: a love song (obviously)

Smells Like... Hot Dogs: a song about how brian hates the summer

Thoughts of Lust: brian does not mind the thoughts of lust

The Space Twins Theme Song: a song about the space twins (little green men attatched at the hip and flying through space), this song will almost definately never be released.
fun fact: on the weezer cat's paw acoustic bootleg, brian sings the space twins theme song at the intro of "undone"

180 Degrees: was supposed to come out as another 7" but never did. contained a line that directly insulted susan, "why don't you grow up? / you know you make me want to throw up" a mean little tease

Don't Wake Me Up: written by susan

Waste Another Minute: written by susan

In Detail: not sure if this was really the name or if it was ever really finished. contains the line "most men drink vanilla, not i". the song is about how brian wants to know if it is a crime to be different than others.