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05.18.02 sorry i haven't updated for a while, but the same lame reasons have been keeping me away from the computer for the past couple weeks. but this week is my last week of school, so studying for finals and stuff has been a real pain, but it'll be over real soon. i really can't wait for the summer, you just don't know!!

anyways the poll has been great. don't ask why i chose that cure song or the beatles one either for that matter, cos i really dont know. you might not even know that cure song, but i really can see brian singing it. oh, and ll cool j just popped into my mind because of the undone rap on 120 min back in '94. brian "rapped" a bit of that song and did it quite well actually. i think it would be hilarious if they did that song, and added their little spacey effects and stuff! but if i had to vote, it would be for "major tom". i love that song. "4-3-2-1! earth below us, drifting, falling, floating weightless...."

i added the interview with brian that he did back in march of this year. it was posted on karl's corner a while back, but i just haven't had time to put it on here. if you haven't read it, now you can! oh, and i'm gonna change my personal page, i'm getting tired of it. so go to the "me" page to see some different, maybe weird "info" on me, if you want. also, my email hasn't worked since i changed it to "tv_music_candy@hotmail.com" so if you've tried to email me, i haven't gotten it. you can email me again at "garciaf@ev1.net" and it should work. i've changed the email link at the bottom of the page to the correct email address. on the links page, i've added the official kickovers site, and me and my sisters TKO site. check em out, though they aren't ST related!

i really can't wait for brian to release an album, hopefully it will be sometime soon. i doubt that it will be this year though, just cos weezer has so much going on right now. i probably should have posted something on the weezer message board, but i don't go there too often (or at all) anymore. did anyone post a topic asking rivers to let brian record or anything, like brian said to do in the interview? hmmm...

05.02.02 Take The New Poll!!!

[this poll has since closed.]

ok, so i haven't done a lot that i said i was gonna, like the individual bios of the guys, but those will come soon! maybe over the weekend or something. (or the summer?) but anyways, i do have something new! my sister found an interview done back in 1998 with brian and tim maloof for NO-FI magazine. it's pretty interesting, funny & just really cool. i don't think, well i know, i haven't seen it anywhere before, so you're in for a treat!

also, "yellow camaro" and "nice to meet you" are in the running for album #5 from weezer, as well as pat's song. hopefully, they'll have enough sense to put them on the album, or at least release them somehow. (man, i just can't get that "god bless the us assembly line" outta my head!!)

oh yeah, and you should probably pick up the new alternative press, cos its got some pyrotechnic-worthy pictures in there of brian and the rest of the weez. (its weird, i try to keep this a *space twins* site but you just can't cut out brians other band, ya know?)

oh and i'm about to go make another poll, so it'll be up today. i'm trying to make this site interesting and interactive, so if you've got any other cool ideas just send them my way! speaking of my way; if you are gonna send anything to me,for some reason or another, i've got a new email address: tv_music_candy@hotmail.com. but my old email will still work and there's always that nifty little link down there that says: "mail", which works too! :] see ya soon hopefully, i've got a huge photoj assignment that i gotta do...

04.23.02 reason for absence: pre-cal and art, school just sucks. but on to bigger and better news...

can i say, yellow camaro??? oh wow, ROCK ON!! if for some strange reason you came here before weezer.com, go to their av page now! they've got 'yellow camaro' and 'private message' up, though i've been too busy listening to yc to even download pm. i'll get it sooner or later...all i can say is if that song is anything like the new ST songs, talk about kickin album!! i really can't wait for it, brian c'mon!!

oh, and the other brian written weezer song 'nice to meet you' has yet to be heard. i really want to hear what this "toolish" song sounds like!! i hope that one of these songs is on album #5....

in news not related to ST: the kickovers 'osaka' is out today!! will ya just take some time to check out some songs here or here. i also have a kickovers site here, check it out though its not completely done. i did the site with my sister, jen. even if you have some doubts, just check 'em out, they are completely kickass!! (in case you didn't know: mikey, ex-weezer, and nate albert, ex-mighty mighty bosstone, are in the kickovers. they're style is just rock. just pure punk/rock/coolness.)

04.07.02 Do you have any interesting tour stories that stick out in your mind?

"I have a story about Brian that makes me laugh. He called the other day and said ... What was the story? He goes, "I scratched my esophagus on a piece of toast." There's Brian for ya. He doesn't know if he can sing, but he is gonna try."

my sister jen found that somewhere on the net and i just stole that from her. its from an interview with pat back in april of 2000. i thought she had it on her website, but i just asked her and she doesn't, but hey - go to her mikey welsh website anyways. its in the links section.

remember how i said i was gonna put up the lyrics to 'on the other side' and 'space twins theme'? yeah, well i did it! be proud. i also fixed some of the other lyrics, but i can't remember which ones...oh well. i still need to scan the 'thrumdrone' and 'welcome to vas llegas' booklets and put them up for all to see. but, ya know, it won't be happening for a while cos school sucks.

on a different stroke, i am now one more year older. oh yes, yet another 17 year old walks the streets of humble. the best part of my birthday, was getting the awesomest lime-aid colored hi top converse. definately rad. i also got the white stripes cd and 7" vinyl, thursday & jimmy eat world shirts, cinnabons, and green & white balloons. yeah that's pretty cool, i know. oh and happy belated birthday to carina!!

now either a)sign the guestbook or b)take the poll! (please...)

04.02.02 this was taken from spacetwins.com. it's paul's new ST page, and its not quite done, but it did have this quote from karl:

"It seems that Brian has a finished album, but he's so particular and exacting with how its sounds that he still doesnt consider it ready. I think he intends on remixing tracks until he likes everything 100%. Also Weezer's schedule only gives him random windows of opportunity to work on it. A while ago an October 2002 release date was kicked around, I think thats still in the running... but its difficult to tell at this point. Everyone supports him in doing the album, it's just a matter of the pieces of the puzzle falling into place now. Yes he sings lead on Yellow Camaro, both in the studio and on stage in Oporto, Portugal."

apparently paul emailed him and that is what he said. pretty cool and interesting stuff there! so we should definitely be getting a Space Twins album this year or early 2003. brian is just a perfectionist and he won't stop until the record is perfect, which i think i can wait a couple months for that. now, if only we could hear 'yellow camaro'...

ok, so there's a new link to hannah's page up. there ya go hannah! i'll be putting the lyrics to 'on the other side' and 'space twins theme' up here soon. i love those songs, wow. 'on the other side' is kinda bluesy and 'space twins theme' is definately their anthem! i think the 'theme' is my favorite tune at this moment, but it'll probably change tomorrow...

oh yeah, i almost forgot that i got 'Substance Records: California'!! the opening track is 'rust colored sun', and it sounds so much better over the stereo. if only brian knew how much the space twins mean to so many people, or at least to me...

oh, and sorry that its been a while since i've actually done any big changes or updates to this site, i've been really busy with school stuff. it'll all get done one day...

oh, and if for some reason you haven't taken the poll, TAKE THE POLL!! it's gonna come down in a couple days, so..

03.27.02 well, i've added some pictures to the photos section and some to the carnival art section. i also added a couple reviews to the carnival art section. and i changed around my "me" page. so check everything out, maybe i've missed something. oh, and sorry about all the popups, i'm searching everywhere for a host. if you or somebody you know is hosting sites, PLEASE tell me! all the ones that i've found host sites on sum 41 or kittie, they just suck. maybe i shouldn't be so picky, but i'm really trying not to.

I can't remember if i said this or not, but i ordered the Substance Records Compilation thing a while back and they said that they didn't know if they had it in stock, but they just emailed me back saying that they do!! awesome. can't wait at all!! it's got rust colored sun on it, i love that song. it's gonna be cool..

03.18.02 Take the new POLL!!! [this poll has closed, but there is another one up [there]]

03.18.02 well, i kinda changed the picture over

man, i wanted to go see Thursday on thursday, but i had to watch my nephew...that just blows. this guy i know that went to the show said that it rocked..oh well.


03.13.02 so lets hope that you've noticed the new layout. it took me a while and i'm still not done...and hopefully, you've also noticed that the site has a name!!! after thinking for weeks, i finally came up with "Crater Face". its a very personal name for me...a couple weeks ago there was a Space Twins demo tape from 1994 on ebay called "Crater Face". i ambitiously went after that mutha and sadly lost it. i finally gave up at $180. the person that got that ST demo is one lucky bastard, and if that person is reading this right now, may you rot in hell!!! (hey can i get a copy from you, dude?) i was so emotionally attached to that demo tape, that i obviously named this site after it, as a sort of tribute. as you can see, the entrance page is a picture of the actual tape...reminds me every day... in a couple days i'll put the names of the songs up here with the rest of the ebay picture

well, on to a more happier topic, i just got carnival art's thrumdrone and can i say rock? uh, yeah. ok, first of all it's got 16 rocking songs. brian's bass parts are extremely heavy...oh the rock! the funny thing is that i can't really imagine brian playing a bass, but he was obviously great at it..i'll put the pictures up from the album soon. oh, i'm on spring break so it will happen in a few days. space out!

03.01.02 oh have i got the update for you! i. changed. the. front. page. wow. do you like? i thought it needed a change...another thing, i think i'm gonna do a poll soon. i don't know what about, but something interesting. you'll see.

02.26.02 ummm...i've updated again, as you can see. the rest of the lyrics are up for "rings of saturn", "rust colored sun", "take my place", and "butterfly collector." there ya go!

on a side note: Carnival Art was on Beavis & Butthead!!! They apparently have a video for "Mr. Blue Veins", and it was shown on the Water Safety episode from season 4 on April 7, 1994. If anyone has some strange obsession with Beavis & Butthead (well, its not that strange-those dudes rocked!!) and has every episode taped, could you please look for this one!!! I would love you forever!! (this is basically the update for the carnival art page. but go check it out anyway!)

speaking of carnival art i'm gonna see if i can just make a seperate site for them, but i still gotta add the lyrics to "welcome to vas llegas". i just bought "thrumdrone" off the internet and when it gets here i'll be able to write the lyrics and scan the pics for you guys! carnival art kick so much ass, if you haven't heard them, please do! don't know how...one day, i'll put them up on the site for you along with ST, when i find out how, okay? too bad freeservers doesn't let me put up music files, but i'll find a way. don't you fret, little one!

but anyways, check ya later. pray that the ST album will come out in november! PRAY! well, at least hope then..

on feb. 11, my friend Alan Bohling took his own life, he was 17. he will be missed by many, and will there forever be a lack of dubble bubble at my school.

Alan Bohling: April 2, 1984 - February 11, 2002
we'll miss you, alan...

02.17.02 so wow. unbelievable amounts of updates....first of all, i've seperated the links into some up top and some down below. (look and you'll see what i'm blabbing about..)

oh, and notice any extra special links that are new? yep. carnival art link is new! i've been searching for carnival art stuff on the web and found a bunch of stuff so might as well put it up right? even if this is a "space twins page"..hey carnival art rocks, so why not share their awesomeness. i've got Welcome to Vas Llegas, and if i knew how i'd put up some mp3s i would. but i don't think freeservers lets you put music files up anyways...well, the page is real informative, or it soon will be. i've got pictures, albums, and reviews up so far, but more will come later..(lyrics etc.)

on the space twins updates though: i've found one more special picture of the twins from back in the day - 1996! susan fox (ex-bassist & ex-brian's girlfriend) is in the pic too! first pic i've ever seen of her, so really rare.

also, i added an interviews section. check it out up at the top! there are some rarer ones about the spacetwins and just with brian that aren't really spacetwins related, but they give you a lot of insight on him and just cool stuff! pretty cool..

01.29.02 i haven't done anything in a while to this site cos i just can't get rid of school. well, i'm doing all this stuff for art so that's taken up most of my time. (i now realize that two art classes wasn't the best idea..)

anyways, some song meanings are up on the lyrics page. just go there and there should be a link. i've updated my personal page, and probably some other stuff too, i just can't remember. i don't have the best memory ya know.

i'm gonna have some links up soon to some college radio stations so maybe someone out there can get them to play Space Twins. ktru, rice college's radio station here in houston, used to play them. i requested them once, but the girl thought i said the spacemen, so that's what she played. oh well, they were cool too. but i WILL get them to play the twins, i swear. anyway, check out your local college radio station, and get them to play em! ..or not..

01.18.02 well, yet another page is up that has st reviews, and i've added a guestbook...i've been trying to get this page in order, i think its coming along.

01.14.02 so i've added a new page, about weird stuff that i've found about so-called "space twins". you can click it up at the top with all the other links. its just some stuff that i've found on the web about "space twins". its kinda strange. oh and the front page has been changed, if you couldn't tell. i drew that little bus today and thought it'd be cool for an entrance page.

well, skipping school today payed off i guess...too bad i still haven't put up the rest of the lyrics or that extrainfo page yet...i have so much that i have to do.

01.01.02 so we should be expecting a new spacetwins record in october of this year, but thats if everything goes accordingly. (i got this info from a wisconsin interview and also on the rwa weezer page, in case you were wondering.

12.21.01 the biography page is complete, well for now anyways. the page o' lyrics is done with the exception of "rings of saturn". tonight i get to listen to it over and over and over again to find out the words, how horrible...i'll start now. (in case you don't know what sarcasm is - that was it) god i love that song, it might just be my favorite. *might is the keyword there, cos i do like "goddess" and "osaka", damn. they all rock.

12.19.01 i've added new pics, some that maybe you haven't seen before. also, the albums, lyrics, and bio pages are being worked on. they'll be finished soon. i think i'm forgetting something...